Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Supporting Events with Great Files

When creating an event one feature that helps to ensure smooth execution is your supporting files.  How you collect and organize your information can affect the overall experience you have with your event. The event management industry is ever changing, you need to be able to look at your information quickly to make fast and accurate decisions.

Now before I get in too deep here, you may be asking exactly what type of files I am referring to.  Some supporting files can include (but not limited to):

  • registration (either ones you create or how the software you utilize organizes information) 
  • vendor contact information 
  • sponsorship 
  • critical path 
If your files are clear and well organized it will allow you to determine the progress of your event, give updates to your client with ease and generally save you time and frustration.  This may seem straightforward, but when you get busy with an event it can be difficult to take that time in the beginning and think about the most effective way to organize your information.  

A few small things to do to help your files stay organized (even if you aren't an excel wiz!):

Create your documents before you start putting in information.  When you take down information for the first time into a Microsoft Excel document for example you aren't really thinking about how you will be utilizing it later on, so building a document around this first take can result in difficult formatting changes later.  Often  there is a lot of information that is great to know and have on hand, but consider what is going to be the most important feature you will be looking at when using that document, make it your starting point and organize your file accordingly.

If creating a document in Microsoft Excel utilize all the features to their full potential.  If you have a long list of suppliers for the various aspects of your event a simple sort and filter can allow you to jump easily through the list.  Additionally, formatting a contact list of participants in such a way that e-mails of those confirmed are exported to one sheet and e-mails of those still on the fence go to another allows you to send mass e-mails to these separate groups without any frustration.  As a bonus, this list is automatically updated as you change their status in the main document!  (TIP: Google is your best friend when it comes to learning how to use Excel functions, there are tons of easy and straightforward videos to show you anything you want to do!) 

And lastly, make it look nice.  There is nothing worse than having stress of an unorganized file add to the craziness that event planning can already be.  Adding your favourite colour here and there can just simply be relaxing.  

If you are having trouble getting organized I'm always willing to give any suggestions I can.

Good luck!   

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