Wednesday, October 29, 2014

And I'm back!

After some changes in my life that lowered this blog on the list of priorities, I am glad to have things sorted out so I can get back to posting.  I didn't abandon completely as I was able to get lost in my most recent copy of Biz Bash, so lots more ideas to share!

One of the recent events I came across was the kick off to Veuve Clicquot's promotional summer tour.  They took inspiration from celebrating the Cliquot Mail, a metal sleeve that is able to keep a bottle cool for up to two hours.  What inspired them was that this metal sleeve is shaped like a modern-day mailbox.

Some highlights from the party include:

  • a station with different message note-cards for guests to keep or send to another attendee 
  • waiters dressed to resemble postmen
  • postal stations where guests could have their champagne flutes topped off
  • P.O. box set up with small throwback inspired food bites 
And I think my favorite was the opportunity to send a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label to a friend by filling out a postcard and dropping it in a special teller booth. 

See pictures of the event here

I think what drew me to this event is that I am a sucker for anything nostalgic.  Although at the same time I feel a little sad considering hand written letters and mail to be nostalgic, I guess that's what happens when you grow up in the digital age.  

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Longevity of Events Follow Up

It seems as though I'm not the only one who had been thinking about how to keep an annual event up to date. Received my most recent copy of Biz Bash (The Holiday Issue!!) and when I flipped to the Readers' Forum the question was "When is it time to update an annual event?"

Thought I would pull and share some of my favorite ideas that were included:

“Probably before you even think it needs tweaking.”
Amy Young, president, Destination Consultants, Grand Rapids, Michigan

“Before you start seeing drop-off in your multi-year attendee numbers. If you start losing them, it may be because they're bored.”
Brooke Murphy, manager of planning and administration, National Notary Association, Chatsworth, California

“There should always be something fresh and exciting added to an annual event. It's great to keep the things that worked really well in the past, but without creating a sort of newness each year, it leaves the event feeling stagnant and stale. We want to help repeat attendees and new attendees have a life-changing experience every time.” 
Blume Bauer, owner and C.E.O., Siren Song Productions, Los Angeles

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Enhancing the Event Experience with Technology

Combining events and technology in a seamless way is a balancing act takes more consideration than is often given.  Events are all about bringing people together, technology can play a role in both bringing them in and in helping them to remember the experience.  However, events are all about the experience and if the only way people are viewing your event is through their phone they often miss out on what they are there to enjoy.

Selecting technology that helps to enhance that experience and connects people to each other while at your event is what will make it truly memorable.

Some particularly fantastic uses of technology I have come across, include:

1. A robot drawing guests' heartbeats.

2. An interactive wall at Target's Phillip Lim launch.

3. Microsoft's "Infinity Room" that brought data to life.

Feel free to share any interesting ideas you have seen!  (I am sure I will continue to add to this list as I come across more.)