Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Book Themed Candy Bar

I recently decided, I wanted to start including posts on here about ideas that I find particularly fantastic.

The first idea I would like to share I came across in the Summer 2014 edition of Biz Bash.

It comes from the HBO hosted premier party for Veep at Paramount Studies with the design by Billy Butchkavitz.  While the whole party was creatively put together, highlighting on the various book signings that occur during the show, the idea that I fell in love with was at the candy bar.  The table was set in front of a bookshelf lined with copies of the fake book that was being launched.  Now at this point not sounding so great, but where the idea came to life was the fact that rather then having guests fill a candy bag or box, they were able to fill a hollowed out copy of the book with the themed treats to take with them.

See photos here.

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