Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Year

I fought with myself about whether to create a "New Year" posting, however I feel I must as it has been a crazy 2013 for me and I let that get in the way of keeping this up to date.  Not that I am labeling it a New Years Resolution, but I do hope that I can prevent that from happening in 2014.  I have already been brainstorming lots of ideas to write about and can't wait to start tackling them.

As far as events go, I do hope you managed to find a fun one to attend on New Years whether it was braving the cold at a ball drop, a fancy dinner, a night out dancing, or something cozy at a friends or your own place!  I was lucky to be at a friends, and was reminded of the big reason I love events, the bringing together of people for a celebration, whether big or small.  Events make memories and I truly feel a life well lived is one overflowing with memories of smiling faces and stories that begin with "Do you remember that time we..."

Here is to 2014 and beyond!


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