Monday, January 19, 2015

The Company that Never Fails to Impress- IKEA!

As someone who grew up in a small town, with the closest Ikea hours away, it was always an exciting day when we could make a trip to visit one of the monstrous Ikea stores.  I could spend hours pretending I lived in each separate room and creating my dream house.  While I can still do those things I also get super excited each time I read about Ikea holding a launch event or is celebrating a milestone because they always knock it out of the park! 

Most recently I came across an event report (in BizBash of course!) on Ikea's recent celebration of opening it's 30th store in France.  They took their typical room set up style and flipped it, quite literally, turning it into a rock climbing wall.  This was put together by event agency Ubi Bene and the visual effect alone would stop you in your tracks. However, this installment went above and beyond as the idea was also designed keeping in mind that Clermont-Ferrand is a "sporty city" and so locals could interact with Ikea in a way that would appeal to them.  

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