Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sponsorship Recognition

Getting a sponsor for your event can be all kinds of fantastic.  From being able to leverage their brand recognition to more money in the budget.  Of course this does get paired with ensuring they are recognized (rightfully so!) on event.  Where the challenge comes in is finding a unique and creative way to do this that can serve as an enhancement of the experience rather than a last minute thought to comply with agreements.

After recently volunteering at an incredible gala I was inspired by a particular sponsor that utilized the table setting to interact with the guests.  This was executed utilizing wine glass inserts at the place settings, each with a different conversation starter question relevant to the event and the guests.  This was paired with their logo and messaging on the reverse.  This created a wonderfully interactive experience between the guests and the brand, especially considering that some of the tables consisted of guests that may not necessarily have known each other.

I know after seeing this display of creativity I will be sure to challenge myself in the future to think above and beyond the standard flyer or folded display and think about how I can capitalize on the opportunity to really have the sponsor be involved.

This was a simple focus on printed material, I hope to look further into ways to recognize them electronically as there has been incredible growth in this area over the last few years, becoming sleek and interactive in many exciting ways.

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