Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Welcome to my blog!  This is a new venture for me and I do hope now that you are here you will find something of interest.  I've always had a passion for event planning and management, keeping it in my life mostly through volunteer and personal experience and occasionally when lucky enough I have been paid for it.

My name is Kelly Verberne and I have a BBA from Wilfrid Laurier University, with a concentration in marketing and a minor in psychology.  Most of my best memories happened while at Laurier and I wouldn't have changed that experience for anything else.  There will be many more posts to come outlining the events and organizations that I was a part of during this time.    

I am now currently working an internship at a sports marketing agency, with a focus on experiential marketing and epic events.  This is incredibly exciting for me as I am able to witness industry professionals do what they do best.  The experience has already been extremely beneficial and I know I will continue to gain exceptional insight over the next 3 months.

If you have any comments or ideas to share please feel free!  I would love to hear what others with the same interests have to say.


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