Thursday, March 12, 2015

Above and Beyond the Traditional Photo Booth

While traditional photo booths may always have a space in creating keepsakes at events, as technology progresses so does our ability to create much more varied and interactive visual mementos for guests.

The possibilities really are endless, especially with the opportunity to completely customize the visuals.  A handful of examples include:

Check out the links and watch the videos to see the experiences that can be created.  If you see another awesome utilization of technology to create memorable moments and takeaways for guests share it with me! 

Shaking Off the Deep Freeze

With the sun shining and the temperatures creeping up above zero, spring is surely on its way!  February was a bit of a deep freeze for me and while I focused on my classes and did lots of reading my brain seemed to be frozen when trying to determine what I wanted to write about.  However, as it warms up and many events move from behind closed doors to the open I look forward to attending and sharing highlights from many different events around the city.

I also can't wait to share some of the new insights I have learned in my classes on sponsorship, fundraising and HR.

Be back soon!